Friday, February 9, 2007

Media Relations Strategies

Public relations functions to create policies and actions that PR professionals hope the public will approve. Public Relations deliver their messages through the media, making it absolutely essential to develop an effective relationship with the media. Consumers trust articles more than advertisements, another reason why it is important to form relations with the media. It is important to remember that the media is also dependent on PR for news. That does not mean you can just e-mail blast or fax copies of your press releases to journalists and expect them to be read. There are several things to remember when you are trying to establish a relationship with the media.

You need to take a target approach to PR. You trust a person you’ve met which is why face time is KEY. You’re probably wondering how you do this. It is simple; join groups like the Press Club of Dallas or PRSA Dallas chapter. To find out more info check out: and

Another tip for PR professionals is to compliment the media on a recent article they published. This requires you to do a little research and know what certain publications JUST wrote. Last semester, in my strategic writing class, we had Emmy Award Winning Reporter, Jeff Crilley, come speak to us. He emphasized the fact that your pitch line should be a sincere compliment because reporters love themselves. To find out more about Jeff or to purchase his book Free Publicity check out:
His book provides insider advice on how news works inside the news room.

Timing and finding newsworthy stories are important when trying to grab the media’s attention. Keeping up with the current news will help you tremendously. If you know there is big news such as Katrina, do not send stories that are unrelated. If you have information related to stories currently in the news, send in your advice. Crilley stressed the importance of checking to make sure your story passed the “Who Cares?” test. Is this a story you would want to watch?

Remember to always be honest. If you don’t know the answer to a question, just say you are not sure but you would love to find out and get back to them.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, technology has changed PR. It is almost time to say goodbye to press kits? Online news rooms are popping up everywhere. This is a simple way of sending a reporter press materials via internet. Advantages? They are time AND money savers. You want to make sure the news room is professional and easy to navigate. To learn how to create online news rooms check out this article from and to view Microsoft’s online news room go to:

PR professionals should serve the media. Make it easier for them to use your information, give them PERKS. During my internship at Backstage Creations, I worked two different award shows. The media would walk through the room and comment on various items. We would then give them a small gift bag of their own including a few select items from the room. Also, I mentioned Perez Hilton last blog, which is seen as free publicity to many PR companies. Could this be an explanation for all his invites to premiers and parties? You bet.

Always remember, PR is conducted through the media and building lasting and effective relationships is extremely valuable.


Kara said...

REALLY great blog! You incorporate lots of good personal experience into your tips as well! And maybe I'll post the schedule next week as my "grab bag" blog :)

College Bloggers said...

Whitney, I like your confident style of writing. You give advice and tips like an expert. Nice tips, too.